The bearded dragon hides, does not eat . He sleeps, hides a lot and is often completely inactive. In most cases, the main reason the beard tries to hide the dragon - to avoid eating - is to tremble.

To avoid this problem, try reducing the noise from your electronic devices before you go to bed. When the bearded dragon is in danger, it hides under a tree or a rock, a cave or a corner. Even if your lizard doesn't need it, their inner feelings will haunt you.
Your dragon should start eating again after you fall asleep.
If the bearded dragons are more hidden than usual, the tank temperature may be too high. Your dragon is under stress. He sleeps, hides a lot and is often completely inactive.
Constipation is a common problem in lizards and may or may not be accompanied by anorexia nervosa.
The deflection of UV rays can not only suppress your beard's appetite, but also lead to life-threatening health problems. To avoid this problem, try reducing the noise from your electronic devices before you go to bed. Your dragon might already be gossiping about it.
Flowering occurs during the winter break (sometimes in spring or at other times of the year).
Bearded people need a lot of warmth for important functions like digestion, but should be able to cool down if necessary. Remember two things when caring for your dragon. When the bearded dragon is in danger, it hides under a tree or a rock, a cave or a corner.
How long can a bearded dragon survive without food?
Blueberry is a shrink wrap. Blueberry is a shrink wrap. If you find that a bearded dragon is unpalatable, inactive, and constantly hiding, it may be time to go to sleep, or "fog". Inadequate lighting can also cause electrical problems.
Lizards should be eaten every 24 hours, so juvenile problems are more serious.
In most cases, trembling is the main reason a beard tries to hide to avoid eating. The bearded dragon can hide to make you feel safe. This can be caused by low temperatures, low humidity, low humidity and an unbalanced diet.
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